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Whirlpool Oven Control Board failed


I was wondering if you could tell me what part normally fails on this board and how I might be able to test that with a multimeter prior to using your service? I don't see physical damage but I'd imagine a lack of power would be due to a failed relay or a specific circuitry I could test for continuity first.

Item Title: Repair Service For Whirlpool Oven / Range Control Board W10173514

Topic starter Posted : 06/22/2022 1:53 pm
Serge - UpFix Team
Famed Member Moderator

Thank you for reaching out. This really depends on the issue you are having. The symptom would determine which part fails. If you are having temperature issues with bake or broil, then the problem is most likely capacitors or relays (if we are certain the board is the issue and not the sensors). 
Capacitors- these are tested by removing them from the circuit and testing the capacitance and ESR. 
Relays- You will need to energize the coil and test resistance in the Normally Open and Normally Closed positions. 
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Thank you for your time. 

Posted : 06/22/2022 1:54 pm