I have a 2006 Honda Accord LX with a single disc CD radio with code 2AC2.
I have had pulled the radio out of the dash, and disassembled it down to the main PCB where I was able to get it to work again by reflowing the solder on the major mosfet components and main transistor components on the right hand side of the board. This worked for a few weeks but the radio is back to no sound and it makes a loud popping sound through all the speakers every once in a while.
I was wondering if you had any idea what typically fails internal to the radio to cause this popping sound and no audio but would be fixed by using a hot air pencil to reflow components. I have the ability to replace any components on the board but I mainly was wondering if you’d be willing to share with me what parts you’d recommend to replace and also what the part numbers are.
Also, if you had access to a schematic or any documentation that would help me to identify what the various components are on the radio PCB that would be extremely helpful as well.
On the right side of the board, you may be able to see a burned component on the board. That side of the board has a lot of power components. I have experienced different components damaged along that side. Unfortunately, we don't have any diagrams for this particular unit. Most of the board will need to be reflowed. Over time the components will lift off the board.
There isn't much to the board. Start with the transistors and capacitors. If that doesn't work then go through the entire board front and back and reflow. If you end up with the same issue and have inspected the vehicle for faulty wiring, fused, or battery, then it will more than likely need to be replaced.
Thanks for taking the time to reply! So, visually there are no burnt parts that I can see, but any suggestions for what parts to start replacing? I was thinking to start with the larger transistors first and work my way down.