2009 Toyota Prius Touring MFD display issues. Part # 8110 - 47260. GPS navigation, drive mapping display (and all other push button display screens) all missing original display displays.. Remaining are vertical color lines and/or black lines. Line displays constantly change individual line width sizes and locations on the screens (see 3 photos attached).. Sometimes lines show only to the left or right. Other times across entire screen. Buttons no longer switch screens to show displays for fuel consumption, miles per gallon, hybrid battery, GPS maps, etc. Radio station audio plays well, however no channel info nor unit light channel #'s playing. No times shown on small dash clock. Dash lights on left in front of driver display normally showings mileage, speeds, gas tank fuel used/remaining,, tire pressure low, warning lines with varied systems (when an issue) all display well (bright/accurately night and day). I am pricing cost to repair MFD unit, warranties, reviews, #;s of units, scores, etc. at several service repair centers with good reputations (such as yours). The car has only 115,000 miles, has had 1-owner, and after 108,000 miles first problem arose and has cascaded repeatedly into one after another (all in the past 2-3 years).. This is the 9th of 10 problems thus far (8 repaired at cost of slightly over $6,000 thus far). Total insanity IMHO to spend that on well known repetitive problems for 15-year Toyota Prius. (thought about just abandoning car on corner at one point). Another $800 for 10th problem and whatever cost of this one will be with shipping and re-installment. Unlikely to be final issues either from our now prolonged reading of Prius Chats and watching YouTube videos. First and last Toyota for us. Thank you in advance for your time and estimate. After we receive your estimate and the others, we'll make a decision.
Thank you for your inquiry. That a common issue when these begin to have power issues that we can fix: https://www.upfix.com/product/toyota-prius-2006-2009-mfd-navigation-radio-multifunctional-lcd-touchscreen-display-repair/