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Issue with part not on your list of issues with part

Eugene Cincotta
New Member Registered

When pulling up to a stop sign or red light or just stopping the ABS turns on the last 20 feet. No skidding involved. No ABS light on. The mechanic said the stored code points to the module. He pulled out the ABS fuse. The list of possible issues with the part does not say ABS kicks in at low speed for no reason on your form. What should I put as a reason from your list or where else should I look for the problem?


Gene Cincotta

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This topic was modified 9 months ago by Eugene Cincotta
Topic starter Posted : 06/29/2024 6:26 pm
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Serge - UpFix Team
Famed Member Moderator

Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, we are unable to perform diagnostics remotely. However, if you provide us with the DTC codes, we can investigate the issue further. If the ABS module is indeed faulty, we offer a repair service. Please visit the link below to initiate your order:

This post was modified 9 months ago by Serge - UpFix Team
Posted : 06/29/2024 9:52 pm