You might 2 issues The EBCM might be shorting and you might be having a HCU issue also. We only work on the EBCM (the electronic module part) yes you can send in the module. You don't have to send the Hydraulic part to us (we don't work on HCU's)
What's an HCU? How would I diagnose the issue
With a short in the system, it can be fun to get a clear answer to that question. Most low pedal or brake pressure issues are considered hydraulic issues. The HCU is the part the module is bolted to (the metal part that all the brake lines attach to).
Would there be an issue somewhere upstream? I got abs from a local junk yard it matched the one the car has and its doing the same thing.
Thanks for that info. sounds like you are having a electrical issue in the wiring some place possible BUS issue
A BUS issue?
All vehicles after 1996 have a type of BUS. Your vehicle is a GM so that would CAN BUS or GM LAN BUS. This is how almost all data is sent from one module to the next. You might need to have a professional tech take a look at your vehicle for you.
Oh yay Does it have to be a GM dealership?
No just a good tech that is good with electrical issues.
I'm sorry I was just wondering should I tell the shop that the modules aren't communicating with each other
Tell the tech any and all issues you are having including that you have replaced the unit and still had the same issue.
Ok should I still send you guys the module
I would wait until the tech tells you something.
Ok thank you 🙏