What is the issue you are having with the ABS module? Have all the issues you are having been confirmed they are coming from the ABS module? Yes, we can normally repair your module, for issues steaming from the module and not a faulty component that the module controls. If the issue is the module? Yes, we can repair it. Send only the ABS module and not the attached HCU (the metal part the brake lines attach to).
I just confirmed with the lead ABS tech we do work on them. You can go on the Upfix.com site and start your order. Make sure you don't send the pump with the module.
There's no communication between diagnostic scanner and abs module. Can't initiate a brake bleed or the unit to power on.
It's a bosch branded abs module
2004 f150 lariat 4x4
Software/assembly # 4L34-2c219-bb
Attached are photos of the abs. Please confirm you can repair this and how much and directions how to start the repair order.
Thanks so much